Feuerfeste Betonvorfertigteile

Our portfolio of refractory materials

Refractory monolithic precast shapes offer a solution that eliminates the need to cast concrete on the construction site.

These products have two key advantages: they accelerate the assembly process of the lining and ensure proper thermal treatment of the concrete before the furnace startup (dried by the manufacturer before shipment). Refractory concrete prefabricates are produced in a dedicated process and delivered to clients as ready-to-install elements, eliminating the need to halt refurbishment works for concrete setting and drying times and alleviating concerns about the drying process of the lining. Performing the forming and drying process at the manufacturer's facility enables achieving the highest resistance to temperature and thermal shocks, as well as resistance to structural degradation and the action of aggressive chemical agents during the lining's operation



We form prefabricates to any shape

As a manufacturer of monolithic precast shapes, we have introduced prefabricates to our product portfolio to provide customers with ready-to-install refractory concretes, eliminating the need for further thermal processing, which can be time-consuming and difficult to carry out on-site during refurbishment.

Our team of designers is available to help develop the optimal shape of the product, select the appropriate grade of concrete for the working conditions of the prefabricate, and consider the use of special internal reinforcement or a transport system to facilitate product installation.

The largest formats we produce are single-piece, high-temperature resistant concrete prefabricates with a weight exceeding 7 tons and maximum dimensions of 4200 mm.

Examples of complicated shapes we produce:
Format 1
Format 2
Format 3
Format 4
Format 5
Format 6

Why choose our products

Wir verfügen über eine spezielle Abteilung, die ausschließlich der Produktion von Betonvorfertigungen gewidmet ist. Es handelt sich um eine separate Linie mit Mischern, Rütteltischen und Öfen für das Trocknen bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Unsere Spezialisten verfügen über jahrelange Erfahrung im Gießen von Betonformen. Wir sind in der Lage, Formen aus jedem von uns angebotenen feuerfesten Betontyp zu gießen.

Flexible Produktionsabteilung

Wir sind spezialisiert auf das Design und die Produktion von vorgefertigten Formen verschiedener Größen, von klein bis zu mehreren Metern in Formaten, in Serien von einigen bis zu mehreren hundert Stücken. Die Zusammensetzung des Betongemischs und die Aushärtezeit werden sorgfältig angepasst, um optimale Parameter des Endprodukts zu erreichen, unabhängig von der Komplexität der Form.

Trocknung von Vorfertigteilelementen

Die gegossenen Formen können bei Temperaturen von bis zu 650 °C vorab ausgehärtet werden. Der Trocknungsprozess findet sowohl in einem speziellen Trockner als auch in einem Ofen statt, was sicherstellt, dass das Endprodukt ausgezeichnete Nutzungseigenschaften hat, montagefertig ist und einen sicheren Anlauf der Auskleidung ermöglicht.

Vorgefertigter Formgestaltungsdienst

Wir planen die Formen und deren Installationsmethode so, dass sie perfekt zur Auskleidung passen. Unsere Kunden können Zeit beim Gießen und Trocknen von Beton in schwer zugänglichen Bereichen der Auskleidung sparen. Fertige Betonvorfertigungen sind einfach zu installieren und ähneln Ziegeln.

Eigene Stahlformwerkstatt

Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von Metall- oder Kunststoffformen. Sie bieten eine größere Maßgenauigkeit als traditionelle Holzformen und zeigen weniger Verschleiß bei der Produktion umfangreicherer Serien. Wir stellen Formen in unserer Werkstatt her und berücksichtigen dabei das Verhalten des Betons während des Trocknungsprozesses (permanente Maßänderung des Produkts).

Einbettung von Stahlelementen

Wo die Arbeitsbedingungen des Vorfertigteils dies zulassen, können wir verstärkende/befestigende Elemente aus hochtemperaturbeständigem Stahl einbetten oder eine disperse Verstärkung anwenden, die die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Elements gegen mechanische Belastungen erhöht.

Spezieller Betonproduktionsprozess

Wir stellen Vorfertigungen in einem Prozess her, der einem spezifischen Typ von feuerfestem Beton gewidmet ist. Dies bedeutet die Auswahl der geeigneten Massenzusammensetzung, der Körnung des Zuschlagstoffs und der kontrollierten Gieß- und Trocknung. Der Produktionsprozess variiert je nach dem im Material verwendeten Bindesystem (Zement, chemische Zusätze, Hybridsysteme).

Production process and quality control steps

Click the step to show more details
1 2
1. Preparation of the dry mix
2. Preparation of the wet mix (concrete)
3. Mold preparation and concrete casting
4. Drying at temperatures up to 600 °C
5. Finishing
6. Packing
What we do at this stage?

At this stage, we mix refractory aggregate of carefully selected fractions with cement or another binding agent, following the proportions prescribed for the specific concrete formula. An industrial mixer ensures the proper combination of the mass.

What we control at this stage?

We monitor the mix's chemical and granular composition, moisture, and other vital parameters.

What we do at this stage?

Dry ingredients are combined in the correct proportions with water and additives, according to the technological plan. Once the proper consistency is achieved in the mixer, the concrete is ready to be poured.

What we control at this stage?

The consistency of the concrete is monitored, and a sample is taken for laboratory testing.

What we do at this stage?

In our mechanical department and carpentry shop, we produce reusable molds made of wood and steel. The shape of the mold is designed based on the type of mass and the working surface of the prefabricated mold. The concrete is poured into the assembled mold, and the shape is set aside to cure.

What we control at this stage?

We check the dimensions of the mold and its tightness and observe the air-curing process.

What we do at this stage?

Prefabricates are removed from the mold and placed in an oven after initial setting. Our dryer allows for the heating of shapes at temperatures up to 600 °C in a controlled process.

This removes all water from the prefabricate, ensuring the concrete reaches optimal parameters.

What we control at this stage?

The surface and mass of the prefabricate after thermal processing are monitored, and a sample of the finished product is taken for laboratory tests.

What we do at this stage?

Some prefabricates require additional work, such as marking, attaching transport elements, or painting. There is also the possibility of combining the prefabricate with other products (bricks, anchors, nonwovens) to create a module ready for installation in the device.

What we do at this stage?

Upon completion, prefabricates are packed on standard IPPC wooden pallets measuring 1100 x 800 mm, EUR pallets measuring 1200 x 800 mm, or oversized pallets over 3000 mm wide.

Depending on the complexity of the element, additional protections such as films, cardboard, and styrofoam are used. At this stage, each pallet receives a product label containing a set of agreed information and the barcode of the production batch.

What we control at this stage?

A final visual inspection of the shapes is conducted, and the quality and stability of the packaging are checked before the product is moved to the finished goods warehouse.

  • 1. Preparation of the dry mix
    What we do at this stage?

    At this stage, we mix refractory aggregate of carefully selected fractions with cement or another binding agent, following the proportions prescribed for the specific concrete formula. An industrial mixer ensures the proper combination of the mass.

    What we control at this stage?

    We monitor the mix's chemical and granular composition, moisture, and other vital parameters.

  • 2. Preparation of the wet mix (concrete)
    What we do at this stage?

    Dry ingredients are combined in the correct proportions with water and additives, according to the technological plan. Once the proper consistency is achieved in the mixer, the concrete is ready to be poured.

    What we control at this stage?

    The consistency of the concrete is monitored, and a sample is taken for laboratory testing.

  • 3. Mold preparation and concrete casting
    What we do at this stage?

    In our mechanical department and carpentry shop, we produce reusable molds made of wood and steel. The shape of the mold is designed based on the type of mass and the working surface of the prefabricated mold. The concrete is poured into the assembled mold, and the shape is set aside to cure.

    What we control at this stage?

    We check the dimensions of the mold and its tightness and observe the air-curing process.

  • 4. Drying at temperatures up to 600 °C
    What we do at this stage?

    Prefabricates are removed from the mold and placed in an oven after initial setting. Our dryer allows for the heating of shapes at temperatures up to 600 °C in a controlled process.

    This removes all water from the prefabricate, ensuring the concrete reaches optimal parameters.

    What we control at this stage?

    The surface and mass of the prefabricate after thermal processing are monitored, and a sample of the finished product is taken for laboratory tests.

  • 5. Finishing
    What we do at this stage?

    Some prefabricates require additional work, such as marking, attaching transport elements, or painting. There is also the possibility of combining the prefabricate with other products (bricks, anchors, nonwovens) to create a module ready for installation in the device.

  • 6. Packing
    What we do at this stage?

    Upon completion, prefabricates are packed on standard IPPC wooden pallets measuring 1100 x 800 mm, EUR pallets measuring 1200 x 800 mm, or oversized pallets over 3000 mm wide.

    Depending on the complexity of the element, additional protections such as films, cardboard, and styrofoam are used. At this stage, each pallet receives a product label containing a set of agreed information and the barcode of the production batch.

    What we control at this stage?

    A final visual inspection of the shapes is conducted, and the quality and stability of the packaging are checked before the product is moved to the finished goods warehouse.

Supplementary products

Wir stellen Vorfertigungen in einem Prozess her, der einem spezifischen Typ von feuerfestem Beton gewidmet ist. Dies bedeutet die Auswahl der geeigneten Massenzusammensetzung, der Körnung des Zuschlagstoffs und der kontrollierten Gieß- und Trocknung.

Der Produktionsprozess variiert je nach dem im Material verwendeten Bindesystem (Zement, chemische Zusätze, Hybridsysteme).

Trockene und nasse keramische Mörtel, gebrauchsfertig

Keramikpapiere mit einer Dicke von 1 mm bis 5 mm

Lose keramische Fasern sowie Schnüre und Dichtungen

Halbfeste Isolierplatten mit einer Dicke von 10 mm bis 100 mm

Ca-Si (Calciumsilikat)-Isolierplatten

Keramikmatten mit einer Dicke von 13 mm bis 100 mm

Our offer


Creating designs for the linings of industrial furnaces.


Offering specialized consultations, opinions, and analyses.


Manufacturing and assembling the necessary lining components.


Organizing product deliveries to every corner of the world.


Dismantling old linings and executing new installations.


We provide supervision during cooling down, heating, installation, or repair.
  • Designing

    Creating designs for the linings of industrial furnaces.


    Organizing product deliveries to every corner of the world.
  • Advising

    Offering specialized consultations, opinions, and analyses.


    Dismantling old linings and executing new installations.
  • Producing

    Manufacturing and assembling the necessary lining components.


    We provide supervision during cooling down, heating, installation, or repair.

Contact us

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